Be honest when applying for jobs

When applying for a job you need to be sure that it is what you are looking for. Too many people apply for jobs and then later on decide that they do not really want to go for it. This is a waste of everyone’s time and can cost a company a lot of money having to re-advertise jobs. Sometimes we may have to find a job rather than want to, but that doesn’t mean you don’t have to enjoy it.

If you are in desperate need of a job then you need to apply for as many as possible. Try and think about what job roles you would like to do and make sure that you have the relevant skills and / or experience to apply for positions.

When completing your CV you can always try and portray yourself in the best light but do not exaggerate your qualifications or experience as you may well be caught out and if this happens you will often have no chance of landing the job. It would also be a very embarrassing situation for everyone, especially you!


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