Landing that ideal job may be easier than you think

If you are currently unemployed and want to find a job that is just right for you here are some tips for getting employment quickly. Firstly, look at the skills and knowledge that you already have and consider whether additional training or qualifications would open up more doors for you. It is possible now to do a course remotely from your own home meaning that issues such as transport or childcare may not prevent you from accessing further education. Secondly, try to be open about career possibilities as it may be that a career in a different sector may be better especially if there are fewer job opportunities in your...

Asking for a reference when applying for jobs

If you have recently applied for a job, you may have been asked to give details of a someone that they could contact for a reference. This may be for a character reference or for a reference as an employer. It is important that you think carefully about who you are going to ask and why. For an employer reference, ideally you want them to speak to the person who employed you in the most similar role, but it should also be a recent employer. It may be that you have applied for a job but have not handed in your notice at your current job or that your employer...

Are you ready to apply for a headship?

If you have been teaching for a number of years and consider yourself to be an experienced teacher you may want to think about the possibility of working as a head teacher in a primary school but are you ready for this step in terms of qualifications and experience? Previously head teachers had to hold the National Professional Qualification for Headship (NPQH), but this is no longer the case, and any experienced teacher can apply for a post as head of a school. There is however some experience that will help the application such as being part of the senior leadership team or holding a deputy head post in a...

Should general life skills be taught in secondary schools?

Education in secondary schools is very much dictated by the national curriculum in the UK and so sometime very practical life skills can be somewhat overlooked. Many students leave school aged 18 and don’t know how to cook or take care of everyday tasks that as an adult we are expected to know. So the question is who should be teaching young people these skills? Should it be left to their parents? Because if that’s the case then we risk passing on generations of people who are struggling with the same tasks their parents did. Surely it would be much more effective to teach these lessons in a school setting...

How the world of recruitment may have changed forever

During Covid lockdowns and restrictions, many companies put recruitment on hold, but there were some that actually found they were busier than before and needed to take on additional staff. Often face to face interviews could not take place so instead, recruiters took to carrying them out online. This allowed them to interview more people in a shorter space of time and often reduced the whole recruitment process. Recruitment can be a large overhead for many businesses and anything they can do to cut down on the time it takes to find and recruit someone is welcomed with open arms. Not only does online recruitment help to cut down the...