Teaching life skills to children

Although schools often have a strict curriculum that they have to teach every term, there are other skills that are just as important if not more than should be introduced at an early age. As we go through life we often realise why we were told things as a child which at the time may have seemed meaningless, such as tuck your shirt in or being shouted at for being five mins late. As we get older it is easier to see why these things were actually important and how they play a role in our lives as an adult.

Punctuality is often something many schools are quite hot on. They like their pupils to be in the classrooms and ready to work at the correct time and can be seen to be quite firm if they are consistently late. As an adult when you go to college, university or in a job, punctuality is vital. If you are late for a job interview for example, then you may find that they no longer wish to see you. Turning up late for work on a regular basis is often frowned upon and may end up with you receiving a disciplinary. This along with being presentable and tidy are skills that we can quite easily teach our children to give them the best start possible.


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